The mission of the Moon Tree Foundation is to inspire interest in education, science, space, conservation and peace for all mankind. Our motto is “Planting the seeds of Inspiration” with the goal to unite, inspire, and conserve by planting a Moon Tree in every corner of the world.
Just as Neil Armstrong’s famous first footsteps on the moon united the world with “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” Moon Trees connect Earth with the moon. Moon Trees bring together people of all ages and walks of life.
Moon Trees inspire generations around the world. John F. Kennedy’s leadership provided the launchpad to put U.S. astronauts on the moon, “not because it is easy, but because it is hard.”
The Moon Tree Foundation works to bring space lovers and tree huggers together to preserve our Earth’s finite resources. Moon Trees serve as a reminder to take care of our planet for future generations.
A living legacy of the Apollo space program, “moon trees” are from seeds that endured the unknowns of deep space travel to the moon and back. Traveling 240,000 miles from Earth, the tiny seeds circled the moon with Apollo 14 Astronaut Stu Roosa. Upon return to Earth, the seeds were germinated and planted during the U.S. Bicentennial. They affectionately became known as “Moon Trees.”
Stuart “Stu” Roosa’s early years as a smokejumper parachuting into dangerous wild fires gave him a passion for tree conservation. Roosa went on to become an Air Force Fighter Pilot and later a NASA Astronaut as the Command Module Pilot on Apollo 14. On Roosa’s journey to the moon he carried approximately 450 seeds in honor of his days with the Forest Service. It was unknown how zero gravity and exposure to radiation would affect the seed growth. Fortunately, the seeds germinated and were planted in the 1970’s. With only a handful of original trees still standing, Roosa’s daughter, Rosemary, continues the legacy of the Moon Trees by planting or presenting descendants of these special trees via the Moon Tree Foundation.
Be a part of space history via the Moon Tree Foundation.
Our current goal is to plant 50 moon trees in 50 locations for the Apollo 50th anniversary, along with providing educational and inspirational material to children around the world. We are kindly asking for any donation amount.
Achieve, Accomplish, Take Action – Donate now to the Moon Tree Foundation and inspire the next generation of doers and thinkers. Greatness is in the moon trees! You can see the forest because of the trees. To the Moon!
The Moon Tree Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) and tax deductions are allowable by law.